Provides all the functionality and user interface to manually create and edit accounts and transactions
Supports creation of dozen of accounts and thousands of transactions
User guide included within app under settings tab.
Manage institutions, accounts, and categories (e.g., rename, delete, merge, move)
Manage payees/payers by account (e.g., rename, merge)
With transaction pre-fill enabled, entering an existing payee or payer populates the remaining transaction fields leaving the user to just enter amount
Set, update or remove password access to Thrive in Life Kit
Display accounts grouped by institution or by account type (i.e., checking, credit cards, HELOC, investments, loans, mortgages, or savings)
Set transaction markers to show deposits, negative balances, and credit card utilization ratio levels
Pro-Upgrade Tier (in-app purchase)
Brings a significant set of additional features essential to managing and analyzing your financial progress
Gain insight into your financial data visually with charts (i.e., expenses/incomes by category, expenses/incomes over time, cash flow) and summaries
Import your financial data from another personal finance manager app (i.e., Mint, MoneyWiz, Debit & Credit, YNAB)
Export your financial data as a CSV file to use with a spreadsheet
Automatically sync your financial data seamlessly and securely across all your devices and watch
Save and restore encrypted backup files of your financial data.
Create, update and delete a second app password
Create, update and delete a pin code for Thrive in Life Kit app on Apple Watch
Auto Fintech Tier (in-app subscription)
Automates aggregation of your financial data securely using modern strong encryption algorithms (AES-256)
Select your institution from over 60,000 auto fintech connections within the US
Secure entry of institution credentials, and possible authentication information, to establish the connection
Accounts are updated daily with new pending/posted transactions highlighted with blue bars and count of new transactions tallied for each account
No more trying to keep up with manual entry of new transactions
Provides secure and convenient automation to managing your finances