Export financial data as a CSV file
Thrive in Life Kit provides the functionality to export your financial data as a CSV file. It is quick and easy.
Export a CSV file from Thrive in Life Kit
Exported CSV file format details
There are two type of rows contained in the exported CSV file: Account level and Transaction level. All transactions associated with an account will be listed below the account row.
The CSV column headers and their descriptions, if needed, are listed below:
Institution name
For an account row, this column will contain the name of the financial institution. For a transaction row, it will be empty.
Account name
For an account row, this column will contain the name of the account. For a transaction row, it will be empty.
Account type
For an account row, must be one of the following choices: ANY, CHECKING, CREDIT_CARD, LINE_OF_CREDIT, INVESTMENT, LOAN, MORTGAGE, SAVINGS. For a transaction row, it will be empty.
Since accounts/transactions for both manual/imported and auto fintech are included in the export, “N” represents manual/imported and “Y” represents auto fintech. For an account row, this field will indicate whether it is an aggregated account. For a transaction row, it will be empty.
Decimal number, plus/minus, two decimal places, and no dollar sign. For an account row, this will represent the account’s current balance. For a transaction row, it will be the transaction amount.
For a transaction row, this will be either payee or payer. For an account row, it will be empty.
For a transaction row, the transaction date with be in the format MM/DD/YYYY. For an account row, it will be empty.
Sub category
Check number
For a transaction row, these fields may be populated. For an account row, these fields will be empty.
Example CSV file format
A brief example of a Thrive in Life Kit formatted CSV file can be downloaded as a PDF.