Import financial data with Thrive in Life Kit CSV file format


Thrive in Life Kit provides the functionality to import your financial data via a CSV file with the CSV file format used by Thrive in Life Kit app. It provides a generic CSV file format import that is quick and easy.

CSV file details

There are two type of rows contained in the exported CSV file: Account level and Transaction level. All transactions associated with an account will be listed below the account row.
The columns are defined below.

Institution name

For an account row, this column contains the name of the financial institution. For a transaction row, it is empty.

Account name

For an account row, this column contains the name of the account. For a transaction row, it is empty.

Account type

For an account row, must contain one of the following choices: ANY, CHECKING, CREDIT_CARD, LINE_OF_CREDIT, INVESTMENT, LOAN, MORTGAGE, SAVINGS. For a transaction row, it is empty.


Since accounts/transactions for both manual/imported and auto fintech are included in an export, “N” represents manual/imported and “Y” represents auto fintech. For importing, this field must be “N” in the account row to indicate it is a manual account. For a transaction row, it is empty.


Decimal number, plus/minus, two decimal places, and no dollar sign. For an account row, this represents the account’s current balance. For a transaction row, it is the transaction amount.


For a transaction row, this is either the payee or payer. For an account row, it is empty.


For a transaction row, the transaction date must be in the format MM/DD/YYYY. For an account row, it is empty.

Sub category
Check number

For each transaction row, the Category field must be filled in. The other fields (Sub category, Check number, and Memo) are optional. For an account row, these fields are empty.

Example CSV file

A brief example of a Thrive in Life Kit formatted CSV file can be downloaded as a PDF.

Import the CSV file into Thrive in Life Kit

  • Go to Thrive in Life Kit Settings (iOS) or File on main menu (Mac), select Import, select Thrive in Life Kit.
  • Locate and select the CSV file for importing.
  • Review the current balances for each imported account and edit if needed. Then, click ‘Save’ to complete the import.